How to Get Rid of Too Intense Suntan? Best Homemade Remedies

by Monic Bert

how-to-remove-suntan-fast.jpgSummer is an ideal time for having a long lie-in in the sunlight which means you can easily go too far with sunbathing. Don’t know how to get rid of too strong suntan? No worries – go for tried and tested ways to lighten your tanned skin.

Women are big on sunbathing because the golden skin shade makes them think of tropical summer vacation. Slightly brown skin is stunning, radiant, makes a perfect match with light-color clothes. Moreover, blemishes – which are more visible on the fair skin – are camouflaged.

Too bad, intense tan has its weak points – it adds years instead of making us look younger. To make things worse, the sun makes the skin dry and accelerates ageing. If only possible, let’s keep strong suntan away, avoiding staying in the sunlight long, using sunblocks, caring for proper hydration and nourishment so the skin is incessantly regenerated.

Still… if it happens that the sunlight gives us a hard time, what can we do? How to remove unwanted tan?


A regular use of a scrub is the easiest way to get rid of too intense suntan. It doesn’t have to be a professional treatment – the proper homemade exfoliating mixture will do. Brown sugar, sea salt, raspberry seeds or crashed oats can work as the exfoliating agents. Let’s use favorite oils (nourishing), yogurt (soothing irritations) or honey (splendid moisturiser) as a base. A DIY exfoliator for reducing the tan should be enriched with extra lightening ingredients e.g. lemon juice, a pinch of Turmeric or camomile infusion. Why is exfoliation a perfect way to reduce suntan? Because the tan is the changed skin color that vanishes together with dead skin cells. During the cellular renewal, new cells are formed having the standard pigmentation. You can wait until the tan goes off naturally yet you’ll do away with it more quickly by speeding up the dead skin cell exfoliation with a scrub.

Rough sponge

Using a scrub is not the only way to exfoliate the skin. Try some gadgets such as an exfoliating glove. Massaging skin during a bath is a brilliant way to lessen the suntan. It can’t be an ordinary massage, though. Use a rough sponge or a brush. Introducing such a simple gadget to your everyday beauty routine lets you effortlessly get rid of the unnecessary dead cells, smooth the skin and stimulate the blood flow and cellular renewal. In this way you reduce the unwanted tan quickly, easily lightening the skin.

Skin lightening cream

Another effective trick – skin-lightening creams designed for people struggling with pigmentation spots. Because suntan is nothing but the effect of changed skin color, a good lightening cream can surely help you get rid of it. How skin-lightening creams work? They are mostly based on the composition of natural exfoliating acids, vitamin C and Hydroquinone – a whitening ingredient (having similar properties to blackberry or raspberry extract which can be a good substitute). Sadly, it has a drawback which is the necessity for a regular and long-term use for visible results.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is a really effective and (most of all) easily-available ingredient of skin-lightening qualities. Apart from adding it to homemade scrubs, try making a lemon juice toner. All you do is thin fresh lemon juice with water and use it for wiping the skin. Lemon contains lots of vitamin C which brightens discolored skin and minimizes the visibility of suntan. The key thing is that it must be used together with strong moisturizers because lemon juice makes skin dry. Moreover, it is advised to use lemon before bedtime. Used during the day, it causes irritations through sensitizing skin to the sun.

DIY Face Skin Lightening Masks

Last but not least, homemade masks effectively lightening skin and making the intense tan fade. They are safer than creams because it is us who decide on the ingredients and we usually go for natural ones. Here are the most effective masks for brightening tanned skin:

• Lemon & Aloe Mask

Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with two smashed Aloe leaves. You may as well add Aloe gel which makes the preparation easier. Smooth the mask over the tanned spots, wait a few minutes and rinse out with water. This mixture makes skin lighter and can be used 2-3 times a day.

• Cucumber & Parsley Mask

Cucumbers and fresh parsley have as excellent lightening properties as lemon and aloe. Mix a handful of fresh parsley with a cucumber. You can add some lemon juice and natural honey which delivers sufficient moisture. You need to apply this mask every evening to see lighter skin after several days.

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