Effective epidermis exfoliation. Only with TCA

by Monic Bert

Kwasy-medyczne-chemiczneChemical peeling with TCA belongs to one of the most popular techniques of removing dead epidermis cells and reducing visibility of skin blemishes. Although this procedure isn’t pleasant to undergo, many women still want to have it carried out and, what is even more important, they are highly satisfied with the results.

What is TCA?

TCA, trichloroacetic acid, is a derivative of acetic acid. In cosmetology it is used in various concentrations set by a doctor. Also, the concentration is selected accordingly to skin type and its problems. Deep exfoliation of epidermis also happens after application of a few TCA layers. During the procedure, skin gets whiter, which is recognized as a normal reaction. In a few following days redness appears and epidermis starts exfoliating itself. The entire process finishes within two weeks, skin gets smoother, highlighted and visibly healthier.

How to make your skin ready for the procedure?

Getting your skin ready for the procedure is considered as extremely crucial if you care for obtaining satisfying results. Therefore, you should:

  • apply moisturising cosmetics two weeks before the procedure,
  • follow skin hygiene rules once the procedure is over; cleanse skin with delicate products only,
  • use protective and soothing creams/ointments.
You mustn’t:
  • expose your skin to UV radiation and apply invasive treatments,
  • take the exfoliating skin patches off yourself, scratch skin,
  • get suntanned for a month,
  • apply make-up before skin stops exfoliating itself.

TCA Indications & Contraindications

Indications for chemical peeling are: wrinkles, post acne marks, discolorations, skin laxity, acne, smoker’s skin and photoageing of skin. Contraindications are: cold sore, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation, allergies, rosacea, tanned skin, exposure to the sun, surgical procedures of face skin area, seborrhoecic dermatitis and atopic dermatitis.

What are the effects brought out by TCA?

Once you undergo the series of TCA chemical peeling procedure, you will notice that:

  • skin discolorations are highlighted,
  • skin colour is even,
  • skin blemishes are less visible,
  • skin regenerates itself faster and better,
  • wrinkles and stretch marks are reduced in size,
  • skin is more supple.

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