Ultrasonic liposuction aims at the reduction of the build-up of fat and cellulite and consequently making the body slimmer. What does this procedure consist of and what effects it brings? What does the recuperation look like and what are the contraindications to the ultrasonic liposuction?
What does the ultrasonic liposuction involve?
Ultrasonic liposuction is much different from the traditional method. Infiltration anesthesia of the fatty tissue is the first step. The end of the apparatus is inserted into the tissue, producing frequencies which make the fatty tissue detached from the rest of the tissues and (together with the infiltration anesthesia) change it into an emulsion. It is easily removed thanks to a specially-designed cannula or massage. Because the treatment is not very invasive, the healing process is rapid so the skin is smoothed quickly. After the procedure, for the best results possible, you need to wear special underwear.
Ultrasonic liposuction – recovery
The time you need for convalescence depends on the amount of fat that has been removed from your body and the number of body parts that have been treated.
Ultrasonic liposuction – effects
Many patients see effects immediately after the procedure. Still, the most spectacular result is seen after 3-6 months. It depends on personal features. A professional is going to foresee when a given person will see effects of the treatment. The good news is that the removed fat is not going to come back. However, after having ultrasonic liposuction done, you need to remember about a reasonable lifestyle, including following a healthy diet.
Ultrasonic liposuction – contraindications
Even though ultrasonic liposuction isn’t as invasive as other procedures, it entails some risks, similarly to all treatments of this kind. That is why it should not be performed in the case of:
- chronic diseases of inner organs;
- skin blemishes such as eczema, wounds, scars;
- poor blood coagulability;
- cancers;
- osteoporosis;
- arterial hypertension;
- endocrinologic diseases;
- taking hormonal medication.
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