Important questions about vitamin C. You’ll be taken aback by the answers!

by Monic Bert

Vitamin C is one of the best conditioning substances. The spectrum of its possibilities is huge and keeps surprising cosmetologists and beauticians. At the same time, even though it’s the most researched vitamin, there are still lots of questions people ask. We want to answer the most important ones. Alert: you might be surprised!

1. Is vitamin C safe for use?

Vitamin C is one of the safest acids and has a revitalizing effect on skin. Still, because it’s an acid, you should check its concentration in a product before purchasing and applying it to the skin. The optimal vitamin C concentration in a cosmetic is 1,5% which means excellent benefits without irritations. Day by day the skin repairs itself and looks better.

2. Is this true that vitamin C fights off acne?

Yes, it is. Similarly to all acids, it revitalizes and restores the epidermis. Vitamin C additionally has an antiseptic effect. That’s what makes it one of the best anti-acne treatments which doesn’t only heal skin blemishes but also prevents them from recurring as well as helps reduce post-acne spots and discoloration. You can see the skin gets gradually prettier, healthier and smoother.

3. What’s the brightening power of vitamin C?

You shouldn’t be afraid that vitamin C will make your face color unnaturally white. It doesn’t work that strong. Many women are afraid that using products with vitamin C will give their skin fake-looking light color or, even worse, it will leave it blotchy. Vitamin C gently exfoliates old cells and repairs the skin so all kinds of pigmentation spots and acne scars disappear. The skin is bright, radiant and revitalized.

4. What does it mean that vitamin C has stable or unstable form?

Pure form of vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is very unstable: sensitive to the light and temperatures, rapidly oxidizes and loses its properties before it manages to penetrate deep skin layers. This vitamin C form acts mostly inside the outermost skin layer so it doesn’t repair or rejuvenate the skin as intensively as we expect. Nevertheless, it’s important and valuable in this form too: it’s used for illuminating the skin and makes it look lovely after a few uses. L-ascorbic acid gives amazing benefits also in sunblocks, reinforcing UVA/UVB protection.

5. Which vitamin C form to choose?

In order to get the best beauty benefits and use the maximum of its potential, you should pick the best, that is the most stable form of vitamin C: Ethyl Ascorbic Acid. This form of vitamin C gives spectacular effects, is lightweight and effortlessly penetrates the skin. It works for skin at all ages.

6. Does vitamin C work for all skin types?

Vitamin C is the only substance to fulfil so many purposes in skin care: it works well for young skin (even for twenty-year-olds) and aging skin facing up to wrinkles, pigmentation spots and loss of firmness. It is great for all types of skin: oily, dry, combination and couperose.

7. Which vitamin C skin products to use?

Purchasing a good vitamin C face serum is a perfect way to get intensive, comprehensive skin care. Only this form lets the vitamin get into deep skin layers. Moisturizers give a superficial effect so vitamin C cannot show its full potential. “Served” in form of a light serum, it works best and the strongest.

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